The Dukes of Hazard of Bellini

giovanni bellini - dogeVenetian Renaissance painter, Giovanni Bellini was born ca. 1430. He was considered to have revolutionized Venetian painting, moving it towards a more sensuous and colorist style. Through the use of clear and slow-drying oil paints, Bellini created deep, rich tints and detailed shadings. His sumptuous coloring and fluent, atmospheric landscapes had a great effect on the Venetian painting school, especially on his pupils: Giorgione and Titian.

In 1470 at the age of 40, Bellini received his first appointment to work along with his brother Gentile and other artists in the Scuola di San Marco. During 1479–1480 Bellini acted as the Conservator of paintings in the Great Hall of the Doge’s Palace.  Along with the restoration of the existing artwork, Bellini was commissioned to paint new portraits to illustrate the role that the City of Venice played in the wars of Frederick Barbarossa and The Pope. None of these survived a drastic fire in 1577.

Giovanni Bellini was one of the greatest religious masters of the 15th C at work in Venice and Ca. 1504, he painted a series of State portraits of the Doges of Venice. The only one known to be still in existence is the magnificent portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredano in his State Robes (see above), which is one of the gems of the National Gallery collection.

Giovanni Bellini died on November 29, 1516 just short of his 90th birthday.

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2 Responses to The Dukes of Hazard of Bellini

  1. The work of Giovanni Bellini is quite extraordinary. His works are like jewels. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Fascinating insights into a talented artist, thanks for sharing!

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