A German conundrum? – I’ll drink to that!

Here’s today’s conundrum – “What does a dozen bottles of German Riesling have in common with the artwork of Hans Werner Schmidt?” Well, first we need to know a little about who he was. Hans Werner Schmidt was born on 10th June, 1859 in Weimar, Hamburg.  He studied art at the Hamburg School of Applied Arts, and after that, as a master student for both Theodor Hagen and Albert Henry Brendel (Professor at the Academy of Weimar). Schmidt’s work was predominantly either figurative, landscapes or animal paintings. His work includes a wall mural at St. Petersburg (1906) and ceiling paintings in the Great Hall of the Weimar Castle and Town Hall ca. 1919.

He worked as an illustrator for the National Assembly in Weimar and was a member and Professor of the General German Kunstgenossenschaft (Art Society) who put on a Special Exhibition of his work in 1949 to celebrate his 90th Birthday.  Sadly, Schmidt died almost a year later on the 31st of May, 1950 at Weimar.

So, what’s this got to do with wine? Well, this artwork was used by the German wine label Julius Kayser & Co. for their Deidesheimer Hofstueck Riesling with claims that the original artwork was by Prof. Hans W. Schmidt.

I can only add – “Alles Gute, Prost!

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