A Dscreet Parliament of Owls

Dscreet the London-based street artist, is certainly that. I have not been able to find out who he is. Research indicates that originally from Australia, Dscreet (born 1979) is part of the dubl trubl Crew. Dscreet picked up his first spray can in 1991, at the age of 12. His interest, like many other street artists, began with a love of skateboarding and hip-hop culture and the wild style form of graffiti writing on the trains and streets.

Dscreet started drawing his cartoon owls in his early years around Melbourne because it was quick and simple to ‘throw up’ and, moving later to London, he continued his now famous owls as his ‘tag’. In an Interview in 2018, Dcreet exclaimed that he liked using them because:  “An Owl is silent in flight and is always just observing. Looking and being aware of its surrounding. It just seemed to work with the tag ‘Dscreet’ so it was a good match for what I was doing.”

  • Owls are generally solitary, but when seen together the group is called a “parliament”; and they have long been considered to be of ‘wise disposition’.
  • In fact, according to Greek mythology, the owl is the symbol for Athena, (The Goddess of Wisdom).

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Dscreet Owls | What a Hoot!

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