The Hallmark Art of Vibrant Al Stark

Al Stark is an Australian gallery and street artist who admits that he is inspired by music, literature, film and artists including Robert Crumb, Chris Burden, Oskar Kokoschka, the Vienna Actionists and The Vienna Secession.

Now based in northern New South Wales, Stark has come a long way since the 1980s where at about the age of 10 or 11 he had a crew of outcasts called ‘The Grunters’ who ran a weekly zine called ‘Grunter’s Weekly’.

  • Nowadays, from Fitzroy to Clayton and anywhere in between Stark has been painting his bold neon tribal street art murals around Melbourne. Works include his murals or collaborations with other well-known local street artists such as Nails and TwoOne.
  • When it comes to his gallery art, Stark has exhibited both locally (represented by Mars Gallery) and overseas including Lyon, France.

More information about Al stark is available at his blogspot, Facebook or Insta@alstarkruins

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