May the Sky Saw for Tom Phillip’s contribution to Another Green World

tom philips - eno Tom Phillips was born in 1937. A former Royal Academician based in London, he is known for his work as a draughtsman and traditional painter; best known for his portrait commissions.  He became an expert on African art and curated an exhibition in 1995 at the Royal Academy. As well as this, he has also published a book on Ghanaian gold weights.

Away from painting, Phillips has composed chamber music and two operas; as well as  publishing his music on Brian Eno’s Obscure Records label. In fact, Eno was once his student at Ipswich Art College, but has subsequently become his lifelong friend.

Phillips is also known as being an avid deltiologist (postcard collector) amongst many other interests.

  • The above image is entitled “After Rafael” by Tom Phillips and features on the cover of Brian Eno’s 1975  record album  – “Another Green World.
  • Painted in 1973, it is a screen print on paper (584mm x 483mm) and part of the Tate Collection.

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